

英语《Module 1 Unit1 I'm Sam.》教案

  I.Teaching aims

  Knowledge aims

  ◆Students can get the meaning of words like: hello,hi,and goodbye.

  ◆Students can master the sentence structure:Hello! I'm Sam./Hi! I'm Daming.

  Ability aim: Students are able to greet with their new partners or their friends in real situation.

  Emotional aim:Students are willing to greet with others and like making friends in their daily life politely.

  Ⅱ.Teaching key points

  Students can make full use of target language that we learned today to greet in daily life confidently.

  Ⅲ.Teaching methods:Total Physical Response Teaching Method,Task-based Teaching Approach

  IV.Teaching Procedures

  Step 1 Warming-up

  greeting with students,and introduce teacher's name.

  Step 2 lead-in

  sing a song firstly,then invite students sing together with teacher,by the way,ask them about what the song talks to lead-in today's lesson“I'm Sam.”.

  Step 3 Pr-listening

  ◆play a flash about kids'greeting,ask students what they hear in this flash to show today's new words about greeting and teaching them with different actions and expressions helping students get the meanings in this way.

  ◆play a game“high and low voice”to lead students get familiar with these new words making a good foundation for next listening.

  Step 4 While-listening

  ◆play the tape for first time and give students a task about what our friends doing to lead students listen to the tape thoroughly.

  ◆play the tape for second time and let students listen carefully and tell teacher what kind of sentences our friends say for greeting,meanwhile,to present today's sentence patterns“Hello/Hi!I'm Lingling.”“Goodbye,Daming/Lingling.”

  ◆play the tape for last time and lead students imitate their pronunciation and intonation

  Step5 Post-listening

  ◆Invite two students to practice say hell/hi together with me,and then I'll greet with them one bye one,at last,give them 3minutes to greet with their desk-mates to make a good preparation for situational conversation.

  ◆Set a real situation“what will you greet with our new school-mates if we are going to have a school campus?”,and then give students 5mins to try to make a role-play,after this,I'll invite students to share their performance in front of class.

  Step 6 Summary and Homework

  ◆Summary:lead Students summarize together with teacher to consolidate what we've learned today

  ◆Homework:Leave a small task of making cards for their new schoolmates as a gift.


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