

Unit 5What does he do?

(Story Time)

  Good morning/afternoon, my dear judges.I'm number 4.It's my great honor to have this opportunity to talk about my teaching ideas. Today my topic is jobs. My presentation consists of the following aspects.

  I.Analysis of teaching materials The unit is from FLTR English book, the second semester of grade 6. The topic of this unit is about the favorite festival from the part of listening. Students will learn more details about Thanksgiving festivals. And they can use“what does he do?”to describe their future ideas.【Justifcation】By studying this unit, students will enable to know

  how to talk about jobs with others bravely And It will also lay a foundation for the further English learning.

  II.Analysis of studentsStudents in Grade 5 are active, curious and interested in new things.After learning English for 2 years, they have accumulated some basic English knowledge and most of them can express themselves simply, so I should attach more importance to the communication with them and provide them more chances to listen and speak English.【Justifcation】By analyzing teaching material and students correctly, it will also lay a foundation for the setting of teaching material and find students key and diffcult points of this lesson.

  Ⅲ.Analysis of teaching aimsAccording to the English curriculum standard, teaching material and students, I set the following teaching aims:

  Knowledge aims

  ◆Students can Review and reinforce the language they have learned by reading interesting story.,like“What about ..?”“What do you want to be?”and understanding the meaning of“Lion Tamer, Bee Farmer, Game Tester…”

  Ability aim:

  ◆Students can express their career ideas with“I like. I don't like…I can.”

  ◆Students can understand the story by skimming, finding and inferring the reading skills Emotional aim:Students can establish their own future career ideas according to their own preferences and ability to initially, respect all kinds of jobs.

  IV.Analysis of teaching key points and difficult points

  Students can make full use of target language that we learned today to can express their career ideas confidently.

  V.Analysis of teaching methods and learning methods

  ◆I'll mainly use“Task-based teaching method”and“communicative approach”.I think in this way, students can get a better understanding of the target language.

  ◆I want my students to learn in a cooperative way.I will design some pair works or group works for them to learn the target knowledge

  VI.Analysis of teaching aids

  In order to catch students'attention, cultivate their listening and speaking abilities,I will

  prepare multi-media and flashcards.

  IV Teaching Procedures

  Good start is half the battle, seize the opportunity to be prepared to achieve a multiplier ef-fect.

  Step1 Warming-up

  Firstly, I will greet students by talking about the weather today. And in the following step, I'll

  greet with students.

  Step 2 lead-inThen let students enjoy a beautiful song firstly and guess the name of this song. sing a song, then invite students sing together with teacher, by the way, ask them about what the song talks to lead-in today's lesson“jobs”.These two questions can make me start lesson smoothly and naturally.

  Step 3 Pre-reading

  When present the new words about job, I'llplay a flashcards about jobs, ask students tell what they see to review last class'words about job helping students recall words'pronunciation in this way in order to have a better understanding about the new words.

  Then I'll play a game“I act you do”to lead students get familiar with these new words making a good foundation for reading.

  Step 4 While-reading

  I tend to play the tape for first time and give students a task about the main idea to lead students listen and read thoroughly, and help students understand the words“usual”.Next, I need Play the video to find and underline the unusual jobs.

  What's more, I will play the tape for second time and let students read and listen carefully then answer some details:“What does this beautiful woman do?”students maybe could tell me according reading material“She is a lion tamer.”Then, I'll keep asking“ How's her job? How about the Bee farmer?”to lead students have a deep understanding to this story.

  At last, play the tape for last time and lead students imitate their pronunciation and intonation

  Step 5 Post-reading

  After comprehension and imitation, I believe students already collected many expression to talk about jobs and their future ideas. So, they are supposed to bu invited to talk about their future jobs.

  At last, I will give all students 3minutes to discuss with their desk-mates to make a good preparation for situational conversation.

  Step 6 Summary and Homework

  ◆Summary:I will lead students to summarize together with teacher to consolidate what we've learned today.

  ◆Homework:Leave a smal task of making survey about their friends'future idea, and make a report next class.

  【Justification】By summary and homework, students will enable to consolidate what we have learned today.And It will also bu helpful to keep their interest of English learning.

  V.Blackboard Design

  【Justification】 This could help students to understand the important words and target language of this lesson clearly

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